SIGAR is committed to open and transparent government. SIGAR's Office of Privacy, Records, and Disclosure helps achieve this goal by ensuring compliance with federal privacy requirements, records management under the Federal Records Act of 1950, and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
All requests for records should reasonably describe the record(s) sought. The requestor should indicate the willingness to pay processing fees, even if the requestor asks for a fee waiver. Written requests may be received via the online form below, postal service, or email. All requests must include the requestor's postal mailing address.
Before submitting a request, please check to see if the information you seek is already in SIGAR's Electronic Library or FOIA Electronic Reading Room. Additionally, please review the following documents:
If you are requesting personal information about or for another individual, you must furnish a signed authorization from that individual granting you the third-party access to this information.
FOIA/Privacy Contact Information
Correspondence to the FOIA and Privacy Office may be sent to:
Office of Privacy, Records, and Disclosures Special Inspector General for Afghanistan 2530 Crystal Drive Arlington, VA 22202-3940
You may also e-mail the Office of Privacy, Records, and Disclosure, at
Fee Waivers:
When assessable costs for a FOIA request total $25.00 or less, fees shall be waived automatically for all requesters, regardless of category.
Documents shall be furnished without charge, or at a reduced charge, when SIGAR determines that waiver or reduction of the fees is in the public interest because furnishing the information is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of SIGAR and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester. Decisions to waive or reduce fees that exceed the automatic waiver threshold shall be made on a case-by-case basis and after a search for responsive records is completed. Decisions will be made consistent with the consideration that disclosure of the information "is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the Government." The factors identified below must be met to some degree to warrant waiving or reducing assessable fees in the "public interest.".
Disclosure of the information "is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester." Determining "commercial interest" requires consideration of the following issues:
The factors and examples used in the subparagraphs above are not all inclusive. Each fee decision must be considered on a case-by-case basis and upon the merits of the information provided in each request. When the element of doubt as to whether to charge or waive the fee cannot be clearly resolved, SIGAR will rule in favor of the requester.
In addition, the following additional circumstances describe situations where waiver or reduction of fees are most likely to be warranted:
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