Budget and Performance

SIGAR Strategic Plan

SIGAR’s strategic plan provides overarching direction for the programmatic and management decisions SIGAR will take to execute its legislative mandate.

The strategic plan, however, is not a binding document that prevents the agency from learning from its experiences and adapting to changing circumstances. The plan’s strategic vision, goals, and objectives will be updated over time, incorporating lessons learned and emerging issues that may affect SIGAR's operations and the U.S.-funded reconstruction effort.

SIGAR Strategic Plan FY2020–FY2022
SIGAR Strategic Plan FY2018–FY2020
SIGAR Strategic Plan FY2014–FY2016
SIGAR Strategic Plan FY2010–FY2014

Joint Oversight Plan

Under its enabling legislation, SIGAR coordinates with and receives the cooperation of the following organizations while conducting oversight of U.S. reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan:

SIGAR and the inspectors general for the U.S. Agency for International Development, Defense Department and Department of State have jointly developed and agreed to a strategic plan for oversight of the $113.1 billion in U.S. funds appropriated for Afghanistan reconstruction. The Joint Strategic Oversight Plan for Afghanistan Reconstruction is designed to enable the four agencies to focus their audits, inspections, and evaluations on the issues of most importance to policy and decision makers regarding the reconstruction effort. It comes as the United States prepares to hand over security responsibility to the Afghan government in 2014.

Joint Strategic Oversight Plan FY2023
Joint Strategic Oversight Plan FY2017
Joint Strategic Oversight Plan FY2013

SIGAR Agency Protocols

The protocols are intended to explain how SIGAR interacts with agencies in performing its work and to enhance SIGAR's working relationships with the executive branch agencies – primarily the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development.

The protocols identify what the agencies can expect from SIGAR and what SIGAR expects of the agencies and to help ensure consistency, fairness, and transparency of interactions between SIGAR and the agencies with which it works. The protocols are based on the activities generally conducted during the work cycle, including communication between SIGAR and the agencies, interactions during the course of SIGAR's work, and follow-up on SIGAR's recommendations.

SIGAR Agency Protocols FY2023
SIGAR Agency Protocols FY2014


Budget FY2025
Budget FY2019
Budget FY2017
Budget FY2016
Budget FY2012

Funding Lapse Plan

Funding Lapse Plan FY2019
Funding Lapse Plan FY2018
Funding Lapse Plan FY2017
Funding Lapse Plan FY2016
Funding Lapse Plan FY2011