
Oct. 22, 2014

SIGAR Teams Honored with Five CIGIE Awards

Washington, D.C. – Over two dozen staffers of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), including many serving long tours in Afghanistan, were recognized Tuesday for outstanding achievements at the 17th Annual Inspector General Community awards ceremony.The awards included the Sentner award for courage presented to SIGAR

Sept. 12, 2014

Remarks Prepared for Delivery by Special Inspector General John F. Sopko at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

Good Afternoon,Thank you Dr. McNaugher for that kind introduction. I want to thank you and your colleagues for inviting me to speak today. I’m always excited to discuss our office’s work and the U.S. reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan. But I am especially so today since many of you will become the future architects and enablers of foreign and

Sept. 3, 2014

Remarks prepared for delivery by Deputy Inspector General Gene Aloise at the CIGIE Federal Audit Executive Council Annual Conference, Alexandria, Virginia

“Transparency—For the IGs and the Public Interest”Good afternoon and thank you for this opportunity to talk about the work of SIGAR.John Sopko, the IG, is still recovering from knee surgery and sends his regrets that he could not be with you. I happily agreed to stand in for him, because John and I share a keen interest in effective oversight and a

May 28, 2014

Remarks prepared for delivery by Special Inspector General John F. Sopko at the Effective Development in Conflict Zones Conference, San Diego, California

Good morning,Thank you for that kind introduction. I am pleased to be here today to discuss some of the lessons we have learned from the 12-year reconstruction effort in Afghanistan. This is a fitting venue since all of you are on the forefront of an on-going and challenging effort to improve development in conflict zones.I want to thank the U.S.

May 14, 2014

Remarks prepared for delivery by Special Inspector General John F. Sopko at the Middle East Institute, Washington, D.C.

Good morning.I am pleased to be here today to discuss some of the lessons learned during the 12-year reconstruction effort in Afghanistan. This is a fitting venue since for almost 70 years the Middle East Institute has dedicated itself to the critical mission of being an unbiased source of information and analysis on the Middle East and South Asia.

March 20, 2014

Remarks prepared for delivery by Special Inspector General John F. Sopko at the Atlantic Council, Washington, D.C.

Thank you, Shuja, for that generous introduction.Good afternoon.It is a real privilege to be here with you today. For more than six decades the Atlantic Council has provided an important bipartisan forum to discuss the most challenging issues confronting the United States and its European allies. Nothing in recent memory has been more challenging

Feb. 18, 2014

Remarks prepared for delivery by Special Inspector General John F. Sopko at the Professional Services Council Dialogue Lunch Series, Washington, D.C.

Good afternoon. Alan, thank you for the very kind introduction.I want to thank the professional services council for inviting me to speak today.I also want to especially thank my old colleague from Senator Nunn’s staff, Alan Chvotkin, for sharing with me the specific concerns of PSC member companies. He is a skilled and dedicated advocate on your

Jan. 23, 2014

Remarks prepared for delivery by Special Inspector General John F. Sopko at the National Sheriffs’ Association, Washington, D.C.

Thank you, Michael (Michael Mason, Verizon) for that kind introduction. And thank you, Sheriff Leidholt (NSA President Michael Leidholt, Sheriff of Hughes County, South Dakota) and Sheriff Kennard (NSA Executive Director Aaron Kennard, Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah). It’s a privilege to be here this morning. First, because I have great

Nov. 15, 2013

SIGAR Teams Win CIGIE Awards for Excellence

Washington, D.C. – Nearly two dozen staffers of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), including many serving long tours overseas, were recognized Friday for outstanding achievements at the 16th Annual Inspector General Community awards ceremony.The awards included one for courage presented to a SIGAR investigator who