
Why Report an Allegation

We need your help to recover stolen or wasted U.S. funds earmarked for the reconstruction of Afghanistan. Please contact us if you know of fraud, waste, and abuse.

How to Submit a Complaint

SIGAR’s Hotline provides confidential means for reporting fraud, waste, mismanagement, abuse of authority, and reprisals for programs associated with U.S. funded Afghanistan reconstruction efforts.

Before submitting a complaint, you may want to review what type of information you should provide and how SIGAR will process your complaint by referring to the Hotline FAQ.

Complaint Form

SIGAR Hotline

You may use SIGAR’s complaint form to submit written complaints.

Fraud, Waste or Abuse may be reported to SIGAR’s Hotline -

 By Mail:

SIGAR Hotline
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction
2530 Crystal Drive
Arlington, VA 22202-3940

 By E-mail:

 By Fax: 703-601-4065

 By Phone: Afghanistan
Cell: 0700107300
DSN: 318-449-3020 ext. 7300
All voicemail is in Dari, Pashto and English.